Sunday, May 3, 2009

Space and Place Daze

Here I am.  Sitting in the library working on my space and place paper.  The very last seminar paper I'll ever have to write.  To be truthful, I've gotten some good work done today.  I currently have 4 1/4 handwritten pages (yes, I'm still archaic and write all my papers by hand before typing them into Word!  Don't hate a system that works!) and that is an improvement over the 0 pages I had written when I woke up this morning.  Granted, these pages are really rough, and I'm about to have a very harsh transition to the next part of the paper, but still, I'm at least finally writing and going somewhere, which is better than the nowhere that I was occupying yesterday.

SIDEBAR: It's amazing how hot my new travel mug keeps my coffee!  Where has this cup been all my life?

I have everything I need for tomorrow's big dinner with the girls.  Can't give away the full menu or too many details (since some of you are readers of this blog!) but suffice it to say, it will be fabulous and I cannot wait.  I might starve myself all day just so that I can eat, eat, eat tomorrow night.  Though I have no idea what I was thinking when I chose this date weeks ago.  There is a definite conflict as there will be a brand new episode of House on (in which House and Cuddy will finally get together and stop teasing us), but alas, that's why Steve Jobs created iTunes and TV downloads, right?  It's probably a good thing.  I'll download the episode on Tuesday and that'll be my reward for finishing my paper.

And by the way, once I get done with this paper, I'm totally catching up on Lost.  Since I seem to live my life by the carrot and stick approach, Lost will be my reward for keeping up with all the reading I have to do this summer.  On next week's list of books to read:  Howards End (which I have already started, yeah!), A Room with a View (also by Forster) and several short stories by Katherine Mansfield.  Yeah, I've basically figured out that to just be done with the fiction on my first list by the end of June, I need to read three books a week.  Yeah.  Perhaps now my meaning is crystal clear when I say I'll be reading all summer long.

But now I'm distracted.  Time to get back to work.

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