Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Should I Do Now?

So I turned in my seminar paper this afternoon with about 40 minutes to spare.  It took forever to print out, and then once that was done, and it was stapled and I was all ready to drive to campus to hand it off to my professor, I happened to notice that the title was still [add lame title here] - my special placeholder for when I have no idea what my paper is going to be called.  So of course I sat there for a minute, my brain completely exhausted, trying to come up with a title.  Know what I finally settled on?  "Space and Time in E. M. Forster's 'The Other Side of the Hedge'".  Yes, I know.  Super original, right?  Well, what did you expect?  I was operating on only 5 hours of sleep.  And while when I was undergrad I totally prided myself on being able to function on at least 5 hours of sleep, I can no longer say this is true in my old age.  Brain function is definitely impaired after about 10 hours or so.  Anyway, it was my final seminar paper and I'm glad it's done.  It wasn't perfect, nor was it everything that I wanted it to be, but I don't think I'm embarrassed to turn it in.  It wasn't my best work but I also think it was far from being my worst paper ever.

And after turning it in, I bought myself a pizza and then took a three hour nap.  Then I watched this past Monday's episode of House.  OMG!  I'm so obsessed with House.  Yes.  Still obsessed.  Cannot wait for next week's episode.  Though I'm sad that it will be the season finale.  What will I do without new episodes for a whole summer? 

Oddly, now I have no idea what to do with myself.  I'm pretty firm in my resolution to not do anything school related tonight.  That can totally wait until tomorrow when I finally get started on my reading list.  But I find myself wanting to read, but I just don't have any desire to read.  Strange, I know.  I just feel like I've been reading for the last 72 hours and would like to not right now.  

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