Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Return

Well, I'm finally back in Pullman.  The trip home was much less dramatic than the trip to Houston, and for that I am truly thankful.  however, i had to shovel snow out of my driveway yesterday, about two feet high and about oh, i don't know, 8 yards and then of course wide enough to fit my car through.  yeah, that was so not fun at all.  but it's done and that's all that matters.  luckily, it's not supposed to snow for a few days, and with the rain that's been falling and the above freezing temperatures, the roads are pretty much clear.  i even drove myself to the coffee shop where i am now, because i can't get my wireless router up and running at home.  yes, now that i've switched from a PC to a Mac, i had to get a new router, and that's all fine, but i need a user ID and password from my landlord to complete the setup process and well, let's just say that my landlord isn't real responsive and has a poor memory.  who knew ten years ago that not having instant access to the internet would be such a headache?  it's like i'm just unable to function without it.  

now that i'm back, it's interesting that all the things i put at the very back of my mind on the trip home are coming back to the fore of my mind with a vengeance.  when i got in my car yesterday to drive home from spokane, it's like the floodgates on my mind just opened up and i had to start thinking about things that i had not had to think about while i was in texas.  the problem is, i want to continue to not think about them.  i know, this is my avoidance behavior kicking in and my tendency to avoid conflict.  awareness of why i'm doing what i'm doing doesn't change anything though.  eventually i'm going to have to find a resolution to the issues i so happily escaped from three weeks ago.  hopefully it's really true that every problem has a solution, all i have to do now is find it.

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