Monday, August 23, 2010

dissertation digest #2

it's monday. the first day of the fall semester.  seriously, i can't believe this is the beginning of my last year as a student.  forever.  b/c believe me when i say that there is no more schooling for me once this ph.d. is done.

so far, the routine is working.  i was even up before my 'mandatory' wake-up time.  i have written the welcome message for my online class, read through my twitter stream, consumed my first cup of coffee, chatted with a colleague and checked all of my e-mail.  amazing start to the day, truly!  i am even planning to go to the gym at the scheduled time (or maybe a few minutes early) though I must admit that it was looking like i was going to skip today.  but no.  i'm going to make it there.  just as soon as i finish this post.

last night was also a win but that's mostly because my neighbor upstairs is conducting some kind of construction project that involves an electric saw and hammering.  so i actually found myself in my office last night even though i had thought i would just take the entire weekend off to recharge.  i started re-reading a star called henry and got through the first 100 pages.  i will be back in the office tonight to read more and will probably plan to finish the book tomorrow night.  then the goal is to write at least four pages from wednesday through monday, and then revise what i've written on tuesday before sending it to my committee chair.  hopefully i'll have 25 pages to send.

those are the goals and that is the plan.  now all i have to do is execute it!

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