Sunday, July 11, 2010

doctor who: the lodger

do you want to know what i think?  doctor who is really a fine form of escapism.

so last night's episode--the lodger--was brilliant.  why?  one of my favorite things about it was that the emphasis was on the doctor and all his quirkiness.  i'm not saying that i don't like amy pond.  i do.  but she can get on my nerves sometimes, and i think sometimes there isn't enough focus placed upon the character of the doctor and developing this particular incarnation of the time lord.  that's why last night's episode was so fantastic (read: bloody brilliant - i wanted to write that but then thought hey, i'm not british! but man do i love that phrase).  the recaps i've read about last night's episodes all emphasized the fact that you got to see the doctor doing normal human things--cooking, playing football (read: soccer), working in an office, showering.  but one thing that wasn't answered that i wish they would have answered is this:  how did he get the 3000 pounds that he hands over to craig in the first place?  i love that he has no concept of money but i just couldn't stop wondering how he got the money in the first place.  and the way he hands it to craig and says "here, have some rent" was just classic.  and apparently the doctor can talk to animals too, which i don't think i knew until last night.  oh other alien life forms, sure, but he can also communicate with cats.  excellent.

to be honest, i think i'm the only person that i know who watches doctor who, and i have to wonder why that is.  sure, it's a british TV import, but it's a fantastic british TV import that is so much more entertaining than most american TV shows.  i mean, i know a lot of people are turned off by science fiction, in fact cringe when you even say the two words together.  and granted, the show can be uneven from episode to episode.  lots of people didn't find the previous episode, "vincent and the doctor", very good but i think it's my favorite single episode of the season, apart from the premiere.  the point is, if you're sitting on the fence about whether or not to give the show a try, jump off the fence by going to your nearest netflix website and watching it for free online.  but start with the 2005 season (or series, as they call them across the pond).  i made the mistake of starting to watch the show during the current season airing, but it was only when i went back and starting watching from the beginning of the 2005 season (which is when the series went back into production) that a lot of what was happening in this current season made sense.  for instance, i started watching with episode #3, and so the daleks meant nothing to me, i didn't understand the whole regeneration thing, and river song was just another character whose connection to the doctor i wasn't fully aware of.  it was only when i watched the previous seasons that things started to make sense, and honestly, that my addiction to the show was truly born.  

this summer has been a little difficult to get through in terms of television distractions while i waited for the season premieres of eureka and warehouse 13, but once i got hooked on doctor who, it made the wait a lot more bearable.  each saturday i've looked forward to the next episode, and yes, i'll be sad when the season ends in two weeks and it'll be nearly a year before the new one arrives.  but when you watch as little television as i do, what one watches should be entertaining and yes, truly escapist in nature.  doctor who definitely fits the bill. 

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