Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Can't Tell You Why

no, i can't really tell you why i haven't gotten much of anything done today.  i woke up all gung-ho to get my portfolios graded, but i haven't graded a single one though i did go to the office and make copies of my grading rubric and i did update the rubric for the reflection letter and i did bring home 10 portfolios with the idea that i could grade 5 today and 5 tomorrow.  

i also really can't tell you why i am having so much trouble making final decisions on the books i want to include in my reading now class.  though i can say that i'm working on it and i do think i'm getting closer to having made up my mind completely.  i guess i'm worried about choosing too many books.  yeah, i think that's it.  because with the books i'm considering still, it's looking like there will be 4 books by male authors, possibly 4 books by female authors, and one graphic novel. see.  here's the thing.  the graphic novel is short.  what i mean is, we could read that in a week. two of the other books are short story collections.  again, i could do each of those books in a week.  which leaves me 6 books for the remaining 10 weeks of class.  is that doable? are those crazy insane expectations?  i dunno.  i'm still mulling it over.  i'm also trying to pay close attention to the number of pages each book i have under consideration has.  and so far, only three books are over 300 pages--one of those being the selection from last year's 110 class which will automatically be included in the class.  i guess i'll figure it out, right?  i mean, eventually i'll figure it out because there's no other choice.  

i really can't tell you why i have cable.  because there's nothing on TV.  i like to turn the TV on when i'm eating, so that i can have something to distract me.  but seriously, now that the stanley cup playoffs are over, the only thing that really draws my interest is baseball, and not even that gets my attention and keeps it all of the time.  i haven't even watched any of the matches at wimbledon this week.  even as i sit here blogging, the NBA draft is on, and i'm not even watching it and (as is typical for me) the sound is turned down while i listen to the matt nathanson CD on my computer.  

i can't tell you why there are no good bookstores here, either, but i can tell you how much it irritates me that when it comes to buying books, there's no instant gratification in this small college town.  i just spent MORE money at amazon to get a couple of books that i want and i had to tell the so-called barnes & noble store in town to order in two other books for me.  and so now, once again, i'll be playing the waiting game.

"...nothing's wrong as far as i can see, we make it harder than it has to be, but i can't tell you why..."

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