So, it's 10.16pm - about that time to be thinking about my new year's resolution for 2009. Hmm...i've been giving this some thought over the last couple of days and am still clueless. i'm hoping that a resolution will hit me at some point while i'm typing the meantime...
i have a new cousin! shout out to stephanie for giving birth and all that crazy business and to my aunt cathi for being there each step of the way. it's a baby boy weighing in at 7lbs. 4oz. and there should be a name soon--i understand it's between isaiah (sp?) or ricky--the dad has to decide if the kid looks like an isaiah or a ricky, my vote is definitely for the former.
and well, i'm trying to not think about returning to pullman where it's cold and snowing and snowing and cold. hopefully i'll be able to get home from spokane when i arrive at the airport next week. i've been totally spoiled by this warm texas weather and its accompanying humidity and i so don't want to leave it for the cold, dry, snowy weather of washington. but calls....
so back to the resolution thing. my mother read that other people's resolutions have to do with finding ways to save money in the new year...checking out their cell phone packages, their cable packages, not travelling (seriously? has it come to that? i'll pass thank you very much), not eating out as much, etc. yeah, those are all good but they're also so BORING! i'm sitting here trying to ask myself what do i really want for myself in the new year? the answer: balance. a nice balance between my school and non-school lives. so that's what my resolution for 2009 is--find a way to be a more balanced individual. i'm not really sure how that will happen, or what a more balanced me looks like, but i have 365 days to figure out the details.
second to last side-bar for 2008: i have about 250 pages of breaking dawn left to read.
final side-bar for 2008: i have crave cupcakes waiting for me to enjoy at midnight. tee-hee!!!
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